
Is divorce the end a marriage? That is the definition of divorce, i.e. divorce is the end of a marriage.

However, it does not mean there is no longer any contact with the ex-spouse.

Regardless of how acrimonious the breakup is, if there's children, there will be contact between the ex-husband and ex-wife. Questions of care, custody and control needs to be settled before the divorce is finalized.. And usually the ex-spouse will want access to the children. With access, that means contact with the ex-spouse to arrange pickup and dropoff, time and place, changes in schedule if one party is unavailable etc.

If there's physical abuse, motional abuse, sexual abuse, abuse of any sort, it makes life difficult, life living with a partner who goes out with girlfriends or boyfriends, an affair, or a spouse who dont go home, or do not contribute to the family. Marriage becomes a nightmare rather than the paradise many people have in mind when they prepare for the wedding. Why do people place so much emphasize on a wedding? The wedding dinner, the wedding gown, the makeup artist, the wedding march, the wedding vow? Is this a fantasy come true? Is wedding the end of a fantasy? and marriage life the beginning of reality?

Fairy tales that we are exposed to from young, cinderalla, sleeping beauty, romance novels, hollywood romance movies, it seems like getting married is the sole goal, the ultimate prize where you attain ever lasting happiness. Alas, to many, expectations of this sort betrays the couple in what to expect in a marriage.

Marriage comes with responsibiilities. Even when the marriage ends, the responsilities still carries on. In Singapore, usually the ex-husband has to provide alimony to the ex-wife, and support for the children, if any. Life still goes on, without the support of the ex-spouse. Although arguably sometimes the support was non existant during the marriage, and the woman is better off without the ex-spouse, and gets monetary support mandated by a court order.

There are many causes to a breakup in the marriage. Adultery is often one of the reason. However, it is difficult to prove in court, and usually "unreasonable behaviour" is used for the divorce.

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